Climbing wall SVČ Rýmařov

The climbing wall boasts a height of 8 m and a circumference of 15 m. You will find about 600 holds and 14 stands on it, each of which is occupied by a rope. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance on tel. +420 737 751 283. Web:

The Rabštejn Castle Ruins (803 m n. m.)

The Rabštejn rock area is located in the southern protrusion of the “Hrubý Jeseník” (High Jeseníky Mountain) range, 16 kilometres west of Rýmařov. There are two 20-35 metre high fortress walls of metadiabase rock; for climbers they represent two main groups of towers: “Přední skály” (the Front Rocks) and “Zadní skály” (the Back Rocks). “Dolní skály” (the Lower Rocks) are of less importance for climbers. The terrain allows up to 180 climbing routes, mostly with climbing grade 3 to 6 UIAAs, but also 7 and 8, and two routes with climbing grade 9. On the meadow below the rocks there is a public camp and also a restaurant on site.

The Dobřečov Rocks (770 m n. m.)

Close to the village of Dobřečov – administratively belonging to Horní Město – there are approximately 10 metre high isolated phyllonite rock formations that are used as a natural climbing wall. The rocks are on private land, access to them is free of charge and the principles of decent and respectful behaviour are requested of all visitors. The rocks are accessible on foot, on the asphalt field road that leads from the church in Dobřečov (where it is possible to park the car) towards the Ferdinandov hamlet; after approx. 50 metres, at a slight bend in the road, turn left on the field road leading towards the wood surrounding the rocks.

Partneři Turistického informačního centra Rýmařov