The Mountain Spa in Karlova Studánka

The state owned treatment spa in Karlova Studánka is located at an altitude of 800 m above the sea level, in the valley of the Bílá Opava river, whose source is on the eastern slopes of the Praděd Mountain. This area is well known as a spa and a mountain recreation centre. The village is located in the centre of wooded land having a surface of over 1000 square metres, part of which belongs to the nature reserve on the Praděd Mountain. Due to this location and, also, to the fact that there are no major sources of pollution nearby, this mountain spa has been proclaimed the place with the cleanest air in Central Europe. The foundation of the spa in Karlova Studánka is due to the healing mineral springs found here. The resort offers excellent year-round conditions for recreation, hiking, cycling, cross-country skiing and downhill skiing (including evening skiing). In winter, there are regular buses connecting Karlova Studánka to other well-known resorts in the Jeseníky Mountains.

For further information, please, contact us on:
phone no.: +420 554 798 111

The Priessnitz Spa in Jeseník

The Priessnitz spa is situated in a picturesque location on the slope of the “Studniční vrch” Mountain, at an altitude of approx. 620 m above sea level. The Priessnitz spa is the dominant feature in the surrounding area; however, its setting has been planned to harmonise with the landscape. The spa has exceptionally favourable climatic conditions and allows guests to be treated in all the seasons of the year. There is also the possibility of a short-term spa programme, designed to increase physical and mental fitness. The spa owes its existence and, later, its fame to Vincenz Priessnitz, who, in the year 1822, founded the first known hydrotherapeutic facilities on the Gräfenberg Mountain in Silesia. In the vicinity, especially on the slopes of the “Studniční vrch” Mountain, there are 80 registered and named springs. At present, the Priessnitz Spa has more than 20,000 guests a year.

For further information, please, contact us on:
phone no.: +420 584 491 111

The Velké Losiny Spa

The Velké Losiny spa is the oldest spa in Moravia (the earliest reference dates back to 1296), while the first spa building was constructed in the year 1592). It was founded at the site of hydrogen sulphide thermal springs (the temperature of the Žerotínský spring is 36.2°). The natural environment in the foothills of Hrubý Jeseník (the High Jeseníky Mountains) contributes to the healing effects of the treatment provided in the spa, offering wide possibilities of leisure – cultural and social – activities.

For further information, please, contact us on:
phone no.: +420 583 394 111

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